From the Pages of History

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Archive for the tag “US Coast Guard”

Soldiers and Flags

These photos I took at the 2017 Torrance Armed Forces Day parade.

I haven’t been to too many such parades so far, but there’s nothing so encouraging to the patriotic spirit (except maybe a fireworks show) as one of these!

The first few photos show a swearing-in of hundreds of Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine, and Coast Guard cadets.

US Marines

US Air Force
IMG_1881IMG_1883IMG_1927IMG_1928IMG_1930IMG_1932IMG_1940IMG_1933US Navy
IMG_1908IMG_1911Civil Air Patrol
IMG_1944IMG_1946IMG_1956IMG_1961IMG_1958IMG_1963IMG_1966These next few tanks and trucks are ones really used by the military today. The announcer mentioned, “If you’re in one of these, you WILL survive, no matter what’s going on around you!”
IMG_1986IMG_1987IMG_2020IMG_2000IMG_2003IMG_2013IMG_2014IMG_2029IMG_2026IMG_2030ROTC groups


With dress swords!

IMG_2053Coast Guard boats
IMG_2059IMG_2060IMG_2061IMG_2063These kids are from St. Catherine’s Academy in Anaheim, CA, and are the youngest to be associated with the military.
IMG_2068IMG_2070There were even a few historical reenactors! Revolutionary War here.
IMG_2076IMG_2077IMG_2080IMG_2081IMG_2084A few Civil War reenactors.

Some pieces were on display for a closer look!


Looking up through a big gun from inside the truck!


God bless our native land!
Firm may she ever stand,
Through storm and night;
When the wild tempests rave,
Ruler of wind and wave,
Do Thou our country save
By Thy great might.

For her our prayers shall rise
To God, above the skies;
On Him we wait;
Thou Who art ever nigh,
Guarding with watchful eye,
To Thee aloud we cry,
God save the State.

-“God Bless Our Native Land”

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